Planning in the Rain

As things continue to fail around me (and on me – first, my back; now, my knee), Justin and I have recently been discussing the prospects that lie in wait for us outside of Alabama.

I’ll admit – the thought of leaving does intimidate me, because I will miss the friends, my family and the scenery. But, I’m also invigorated by the thought of getting an actual new start. I mean, here I am, a 35-year-old x-ray tech, who still remains diligently certified, yet is completely incapable of finding a job in my field while living here. I’m working for my boyfriend’s mother, someone who doesn’t know the first thing about ethics and accountability, as she’s spent her life jumping from rich guy to rich guy.

The medical community down here as burned me, UAB especially. I hate to even go to any doctor, knowing their association with that deplorable monopoly. The same goes for Children’s and St Vincent’s. And the fact that all of those money-obsessed businesses have tendrils, which encapsulate every medical facility down here, and the unreasonable rather new understanding that when their HR puts you on the “ineligible for rehire list,” it’s permanent, I have no desire whatsoever to stay here.

I’m supposed to start at the mercantile store in August/September, but to be honest, I don’t really see how that’s going to work out. I’m going to be taking a huge pay cut, which will be worth it just to leave here. But I don’t see how Justin and I will ever be able to make ends meet, without me working transcription full time…which means I’ll be working somewhere around 80 hours a week. I just don’t think my body can handle that.

Obviously, I’ll do whatever we have to do to survive. But the prospect of Justin never making any more money, nor ever being happy with his job, added in to my own personal struggle with work, and now all these medical problems – yeah, I’m just not feeling very positive about our future.

Justin has applied for a couple of jobs that are located in North Carolina. I actually think I would be ok with that. He’s talked to several people who have said that NC also boasts a very good medical community, which is relieving to hear. I know there are also plenty of animal organizations, as well as a pretty strong support in farming and farmer’s markets.

I mean, just this week, Clay, where we were thinking about moving, passed their own ignorant BSL law, outlawing “pit bull types” in the area, which is complete bullshit. We’re fighting it, and I’m hoping it will be overturned. But that’s completely made me rule out Clay as a place I want to live. So, where do we go now? I haven’t the slightest clue.

Once again, I’m feeling very aimless, in an attempt to help us become more successful. More successful, in this case, meaning we can go to the doctor whenever we need to (as we both have been visiting the doctor a lot lately), we can have regular maintenance done on our cars, and whenever one of us spends money on something stupid, it doesn’t threaten to break us. Right now, we’re currently paying off only the beginning part of his dental work, the $1500 deductible on my physical therapy, $1000 lab bill (for me) from months ago, and a $350 MRI bill…of which it’s possible I may end up having another today, depending on what the doctor says about my knee. That doesn’t count Justin’s car payment, my tuition, and all of our revolving bills. And for the first time, Justin said he thinks he’s beginning to understand the need for socialized medicine. Granted, I don’t know how it works in other countries, and I do think ours would strive to do everything they could to fuck us over and make it absolutely as terrible as possible. But with as broke as we are, and as much as we’re just struggling to pay copays when we go to the doctor, it’s just too much.

Anyway, my rectal repair surgery is June 20. To be perfectly honest, the only reason I’m looking forward to this is so I’ll have time off work. I don’t care about anything else. Hell, it’s the only reason I’m driving us into debt, in order to do this. If I can get two or three weeks of fucking peace, I think I can keep going. I’m going to be in a ton of pain, but it will be worth it. I’m sure I won’t be saying that after the surgery, though…

I brought Jackie with me to work today, which has turned out to be good. I get to leave early, so I can take him home before my doctor’s appointment. The only bad part is I’m honest, and I don’t get paid when I’m not here. It’s a bitch. But, here’s Jack.

ImageHe keeps me entertained with his unabashed desire to express how miserably bored he is. =P

Alright, I have to go potty. I’m trying to update a little more regularly, but my mind has just been so cluttered. I guess that’s why it would help if I’d post.

Eh, no promises.

About jimmyrawks

There's not a whole lot to know. If you know me, you might enjoy this blog. If not, you may want to rethink the choices you make in life.
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